Whoa, sudden change of plan - Kimmeridge is go!

Its rare I get a chance to get to Kimmeridge these days. The plan was to sail Milford or even Southbourne Tuesday afternoon. Reports that it was flat led to all sorts of chaos as Coxy decided we should go to Kimmeridge as it was NW. Could we do this, what about childcare, do we need to get back to help with bath time, do we only take one van, what even do we need and where the fuck have my keys gone, again. So after a frenzied 15 minutes achieving nothing. (the keys were in the door). We were on our way. It was sunny, it was good. The waves on the ledge were pretty big really compared to recent exposures.

Timo on ledges

There was fun jumping in the bay, maxed on a 4.0. I found it pretty hard to have any control a lot of the time. The ledges were bigger. Coxy typically has the capacity to go bigger than most, and certainly didn't seem to be worried about the super strong gusts. There were quite a few out busting some big moves and hitting some chunky section. I saw Timo plummet from 40 ft up without kit. Plus an infamous wave 360 which Coxy thought it caught on camera. He got the end...

Coxy having no problem controlling 40 knot gusts 20 ft up!

Great day out and a rare treat...

Me backlooping in the bay, much more 'sedate' in comparison..
