5th Element

Wind: Check
Daylight: Check (just)
Swell: Check
Sideshore: Check
Tide: uh ughhhh

One very important element missing..!

Lowest spring tide for ages, coincides with the biggest swell and gale for ages. Loads of side off swell lines at Avon, but the tide was so far sprung it was almost flat. If it was warmer, I had boots, a dry wettie, not driving rain and there was more than 50 minutes light I would have probably gone out.

Charlie however had been out all day, said there were some really nice waves. If you can get Avon tomorrow a.m at high tide then it may well be worth it for some long waverides.

I then had a look at Boscombe. Tide was way out and it was howling onshore. Then it was dark.

Hellish Mess
