Four Hours on Broad Bench

Well, you have to substract the 45 minutes of non planing plodding it took to get up there!!

Course Wave Racing Sailing!

I think, I that it was probably one of my favourite sessions of the year. Left the house at 8.30am with partner in crime James Cox, thinking that we were early. Actually we were late, people were already coming off the water by the time we got there. Some were out since first light. However it seemed the wind had dropped and swung round to the North West.

Do you remember those course racing days. No? Well you have this buoy miles and miles upwind, you are not planing, you have all manner of current to contend with, shifting wind all over the place and what seems like a lifetime of hard slog ahead of you. I thought I had left those days well behind, until today. 45 minutes of semi non planing tacking upwind and the upwind mark called Broad Bench was finally reached, leaving many by the way.

But what a result it was, nearer you got the better it looked. Probably logo high, maybe a bit more sometimes and also a bit smaller too. Best thing was when you picked out a good one, tracked it upwind backwinding the sail and then waiting for it too bowl before taking the drop, then you had the smoothest bit of water to crank into a hard bottom turn. Occasionally you could get four turns with a couple of sections, many times just a shoulder but all the same by the time you look at the averages, it looked pretty good, and finally the result I've been looking for after so many almost good windsurfs. I'm happy now and over Wednesday and Tuesdays disappointment!

I was on my 5.6 Black Tip, which I think I am in love with, and jokerwave 95. Coxy somehow managed to get up there with a 5.2 and his 85 litre quatro. I just didn't want to take the risk, reasoning that I'd sacrifice some of the looseness for a) getting there in the first place and b) hopefully a higher wave count.

Wednesday before it went horribly wrong

Before it went wrong, I should've stayed behind the lens..
